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Match Schema

What is it?

A match configuration file contains everything that Get5 and your server needs to host a series. This includes locking players to their correct team and side, setting the map(s) and configuring the game rules.

Two files ship with Get5 that give a general idea of what can be included in a match config. A Valve KeyValue format can be found here, and a JSON format can be found here. In this documentation, we'll go through what each value means, but do note that only the values team1, team2 and maplist are required to start a match. We recommend using the JSON format whenever possible, as JSON has way better support in various programming languages than Valve's KeyValue format (which essentially has none).

The schema

TypeScript interface definition of a match configuration
type SteamID = string // (8)
type Get5PlayerSet = { [key: SteamID]: string } | SteamID[] // (9)

interface Get5MatchTeam {
    "id": string | undefined // (38)
    "players": Get5PlayerSet // (24)
    "coaches": Get5PlayerSet | undefined // (23)
    "name": string | undefined // (16)
    "tag": string | undefined // (17)
    "flag": string | undefined // (18)
    "logo": string | undefined // (19)
    "series_score": number | undefined // (26)
    "matchtext": string | undefined // (27)
    "fromfile": string | undefined // (28)

interface Get5MapListFromFile {
    "fromfile": string // (35)

interface Get5Match {
    "match_title": string | undefined // (25)
    "matchid": string | undefined // (1)
    "clinch_series": boolean | undefined // (32)
    "num_maps": number | undefined // (2)
    "scrim": boolean | undefined // (39)
    "wingman": boolean | undefined // (37)
    "players_per_team": number | undefined // (3)
    "coaches_per_team": number | undefined // (4)
    "coaches_must_ready": boolean | undefined // (33)
    "min_players_to_ready": number | undefined // (5)
    "min_spectators_to_ready": number | undefined // (6)
    "skip_veto": boolean | undefined // (7)
    "veto_first": "team1" | "team2" | "random" | undefined // (11)
    "veto_mode": ['team1_ban' | 'team2_ban'
        | 'team1_pick' | 'team2_pick'] | undefined // (36)
    "side_type": "standard" | "always_knife"
        | "never_knife" | "random" | undefined // (12)
    "map_sides": ["team1_ct" | "team1_t" | "knife"] | undefined // (31)
    "spectators": { // (10)
        "name": string | undefined // (29)
        "players": Get5PlayerSet | undefined // (30)
        "fromfile": string | undefined // (34)
    } | undefined
    "maplist": string[] | Get5MapListFromFile // (13)
    "favored_percentage_team1": number | undefined // (14)
    "favored_percentage_text": string | undefined // (15)
    "team1": Get5MatchTeam // (20)
    "team2": Get5MatchTeam | undefined // (21)
    "cvars": { [key: string]: string | number } | undefined // (22)
  1. Optional
    The ID of the match. This determines the matchid parameter in all forwards and events. If you use the MySQL extension, you should leave this field blank (or omit it), as match IDs will be assigned automatically. If you do want to assign match IDs from another source, they must be integers (in a string) and must increment between matches.

    Default: ""
  2. Optional
    The number of maps to play in the series.

    Default: 1
  3. Optional
    The number of players per team. You should never set this to a value higher than the number of players you want to actually play in a game, excluding coaches.

    Default: 5 (2 in wingman)
  4. Optional
    The maximum number of coaches per team.

    Default: 2
  5. Optional
    The minimum number of players that must be present on a team for the !forceready command to succeed. This should not be larger than players_per_team. If not forcing a team ready, all players must !ready up themselves.

    Default: 0
  6. Optional
    The minimum number of spectators that must be !ready for the game to begin.

    Default: 0
  7. Optional
    Whether to skip the map selection phase. If true, num_maps are simply played in the order they appear in maplist, and no map selection is performed by players in-game.

    Default: false
  8. A player's Steam ID. This can be in any format, but we recommend a string representation of SteamID 64, i.e. "76561197987713664".
  9. Players are represented each with a mapping of SteamID -> PlayerName as a key-value dictionary. The name is optional and should be set to an empty string to let players decide their own name. You can also provide a simple string array of SteamID to disable name-locking.

    ["76561197996426755", "76561356896422767"]
    {"76561197996426755": "PlayerName", "76561356896422767": "PlayerName"} are both valid values.
  10. Optional
    The spectators to allow into the game. If not defined, spectators cannot join the game.

    Default: undefined
  11. Optional
    The team that makes the first map selection choice. This parameter is ignored if you provide a custom veto flow via veto_mode.

    Default: "team1"
  12. Optional
    The method used to determine sides during map selection.

    standard means that the team that doesn't pick a map gets the side choice (only if skip_veto is false).

    always_knife means that sides are always determined by a knife-round.

    never_knife means that team1 always starts on CT.

    random means that teams are randomly assigned a side.

    This parameter is ignored if map_sides has already set the sides for a map. standard and always_knife behave similarly (knife) when skip_veto is true.

    Default: "standard"
  13. Required
    The map pool to pick from, as an array of strings (["de_dust2", "de_nuke"] etc.), or if skip_veto is true, the order of maps played (limited by num_maps).

    You can load maps from workshop collections by using the syntax "workshop/map_id/map_name", i.e. "workshop/1193875520/de_aztec". The name parameter is used to present the map in the map selection phase. If you provide maps from the community workshop, you must have a Steam Web API key configured for your server, or the match config will fail to load.

    Similarly to teams, you can set this to an object with a fromfile property to load a map list from a separate file.

    If you use workshop maps, it is recommended that you set mp_match_end_restart 1 on your server, so a new map does not load in case it takes a long time to download a workshop map. You can also set sv_broadcast_ugc_downloads 1 and sv_broadcast_ugc_download_progress_interval 1 if you want to inform players that a workshop map is being downloaded. In the vast majority of cases, this process should only take a few seconds.
  14. Optional
    Wrapper for the server's mp_teamprediction_pct. This determines the chances of team1 winning.

    Default: 0
  15. Optional
    Wrapper for the server's mp_teamprediction_txt.

    Default: ""
  16. Optional
    The team's name. Sets mp_teamname_1 or mp_teamname_2. Printed frequently in chat. If you don't define a team name, it will be set to team_ followed by the name of the captain, i.e. team_s1mple.

    Default: ""
  17. Optional
    A short version of the team name, used in clan tags in-game (requires that get5_set_client_clan_tags is disabled).

    Default: ""
  18. Optional
    The ISO-code to use for the in-game flag of the team. Must be a supported country, i.e. FR,UK,SE etc.

    Default: ""
  19. Optional
    The team logo (wraps mp_teamlogo_1 or mp_teamlogo_2), which requires to be on a FastDL in order for clients to see.

    Default: ""
  20. Required
    The data for the first team.
  21. Optional
    The data for the second team. Not required if scrim is true.
  22. Optional
    Various commands to execute on the server when loading the match configuration. This can be both regular server-commands and any Get5 configuration parameter, i.e. {"mp_friendlyfire": "0", "get5_max_pauses": "2"}.

    When the match ends, these parameters will by default be reset to the value they had before the match was loaded.

    You should avoid putting server-specific parameters, such as get5_server_id, in this property, as these are all written to backups and set when restored from.

    These commands are always executed after the phase configuration files, so you can also use this to override a specific parameter - such as friendly fire.

    Default: undefined
  23. Optional
    Similarly to players, this object maps coaches using their Steam ID and name, locking them to the coach slot unless removed using get5_removeplayer. Setting a Steam ID as coach takes precedence over being set as a player.

    Note that if sv_coaching_enabled is disabled, anyone defined as a coach will be considered a regular player for the team instead.

    Also note that coaches is ignored if scrim is true, in which case you should put everyone in players and have them use the !coach command instead.

    Default: undefined
  24. Required
    The players on the team.
  25. Optional
    Sets the server's mp_teammatchstat_txt ConVar, but lets you use {MAPNUMBER} and {MAXMAPS} as variables that get replaced with their integer values. You should not set mp_teammatchstat_txt yourself, as it will be overridden by this parameter.

    Default: "Map {MAPNUMBER} of {MAXMAPS}"
  26. Optional
    The current score in the series, this can be used to give a team a map advantage or used as a manual backup method.

    Default: 0
  27. Optional
    Assigns values to mp_teammatchstat_1 and mp_teammatchstat_2, respectively. If you don't set this value in a BoX series, it is set to each team's map series score automatically.

    Default: ""
  28. Optional
    Match teams can also be loaded from a separate file, allowing you to easily re-use a match configuration for different sets of teams. A fromfile value could be "addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/team_nip.json", and is always relative to the csgo directory. The file should contain a valid Get5MatchTeam object. You are allowed to mix filetypes, so a JSON file can point to a fromfile that's a KeyValue file and vice-versa. If you provide a fromfile property, all other properties are ignored and team data is only read from the provided file.
  29. Optional
    The name of the spectator team.

    Default: "casters"
  30. Optional
    The spectator/caster Steam IDs and names. Setting a Steam ID as spectator takes precedence over being set as a player or coach.
  31. Optional
    Determines the starting sides for each map. If this array is shorter than num_maps, side_type will determine the side-behavior of the remaining maps.

    Default: undefined
  32. Optional
    If false, the entire map list will be played, regardless of score. If true, a series will be won when the series score for a team exceeds the number of maps divided by two.

    Default: true
  33. Optional
    Determines if coaches must also !ready.

    Default: false
  34. Optional
    Similarly to teams and map list, spectators may also be loaded from another file.
  35. Required
    Similarly to teams and spectators, a map list may also be loaded from another file.
  36. Optional
    Allows for a custom configuration of map picks/bans. This must be an array of strings consisting of any valid combination of team1_ban, team2_ban, team1_pick and team2_pick.
  37. Optional
    Whether to configure the match for Wingman mode. If this is enabled, players_per_team defaults to 2 instead of 5.

    Default: false
  38. Optional
    The ID of the team. This can be used to link the team to an external resource, such as a database ID. The ID is included in the event system for events that include a team.
  39. Optional
    Configures the match for scrim mode. In this configuration, team2 is ignored and not required, and coaches cannot be set for team1.

    Default: false

Team assignment priority

If you define a Steam ID in more than one location in your match configuration, it will be evaluated in this order to determine where to put the player:

  1. Spectator
  2. Coach for team1
  3. Coach for team2
  4. Player for team1
  5. Player for team2

If a player's Steam ID was not found in any of these locations, they will be removed from the server unless you are in scrim mode.


These examples are identical in the way they would work if loaded.

Example only

map_sides would only work with skip_veto: true.

  "match_title": "Astralis vs. NaVi",
  "matchid": "3123",
  "clinch_series": true,
  "num_maps": 3,
  "wingman": false,
  "players_per_team": 5,
  "coaches_per_team": 2,
  "coaches_must_ready": true,
  "min_players_to_ready": 2,
  "min_spectators_to_ready": 0,
  "skip_veto": false,
  "veto_first": "team1",
  "side_type": "standard",
  "spectators": {
    "name": "Blast PRO 2021",
    "players": {
      "76561197987511774": "Anders Blume"
  "maplist": [
  "map_sides": [
  "team1": {
    "fromfile": "addons/sourcemod/get5/team_navi.json"
  "team2": {
    "id": "3752",
    "name": "Astralis",
    "tag": "Astralis",
    "flag": "DK",
    "logo": "astr",
    "matchtext": "Defending Champions",
    "players": {
      "76561197990682262": "Xyp9x",
      "76561198010511021": "gla1ve",
      "76561197979669175": "K0nfig",
      "76561198028458803": "BlameF",
      "76561198024248129": "farlig"
    "coaches": {
      "76561197987144812": "Trace"
  "cvars": {
    "hostname": "Get5 Match #3123",
    "mp_friendlyfire": "0",
    "get5_stop_command_enabled": "0",
    "sm_practicemode_can_be_started": "0"
fromfile example:
  "id": "1348",
  "name": "Natus Vincere",
  "tag": "NaVi",
  "flag": "UA",
  "logo": "navi",
  "players": {
    "76561198034202275": "s1mple",
    "76561198044045107": "electronic",
    "76561198246607476": "b1t",
    "76561198121220486": "Perfecto",
    "76561198040577200": "sdy"
  "coaches": {
    "76561198013523865": "B1ad3"

And in TypeScript, using the above interface definition file:

Typescript JSON example with Node.js
const match_schema: Get5Match = {
    "match_title": "Astralis vs. NaVi",
    "matchid": "3123",
    "clinch_series": true,
    "num_maps": 3,
    "wingman": false,
    "players_per_team": 5,
    "coaches_per_team": 2,
    "coaches_must_ready": true,
    "min_players_to_ready": 2,
    "min_spectators_to_ready": 0,
    "skip_veto": false,
    "veto_first": "team1",
    "side_type": "standard",
    "spectators": {
        "name": "Blast PRO 2021",
        "players": {
            "76561197987511774": "Anders Blume"
    "maplist": [
    "map_sides": ["team1_ct", "team2_ct", "knife"], // Example; would only work with "skip_veto": true
    "team1": {
        "fromfile": "addons/sourcemod/get5/team_navi.json"
    "team2": {
        "id": "3752",
        "name": "Astralis",
        "tag": "Astralis",
        "flag": "DK",
        "logo": "astr",
        "matchtext": "Defending Champions",
        "players": {
            "76561197990682262": "Xyp9x",
            "76561198010511021": "gla1ve",
            "76561197979669175": "K0nfig",
            "76561198028458803": "BlameF",
            "76561198024248129": "farlig"
        "coaches": {
            "76561197987144812": "Trace"
    "cvars": {
        "hostname": "Get5 Match #3123",
        "mp_friendlyfire": "0",
        "get5_stop_command_enabled": "0",
        "sm_practicemode_can_be_started": "0"

// And the config file could be placed on the server like this:
const json = JSON.stringify(match_schema);
fs.writeFileSync('addons/sourcemod/get5/astralis_vs_navi_3123.json', json);

All strings, no brakes

Note that false does not exist in the KeyValue format and that all numerical values are wrapped in quotes. The empty strings as values in dictionaries (maplist and map_sides) are also required.

    "match_title"             "Astralis vs. NaVi"
    "matchid"                 "3123"
    "clinch_series"           "1"
    "num_maps"                "3"
    "wingman"                 "0"
    "players_per_team"        "5"
    "coaches_per_team"        "2"
    "coaches_must_ready"      "1"
    "min_players_to_ready"    "2"
    "min_spectators_to_ready" "0"
    "skip_veto"               "0"
    "veto_first"              "team1"
    "side_type"               "standard"
        "name" "Blast PRO 2021"
            "76561197987511774" "Anders Blume"
        "de_dust2"                      ""
        "de_nuke"                       ""
        "workshop/1193875520/de_aztec"  ""
        "de_inferno"                    ""
        "de_mirage"                     ""
        "de_vertigo"                    ""
        "de_ancient"                    ""
        "de_overpass"                   ""
    "map_sides"  // Example; would only work with "skip_veto" "1"
        "team1_ct" ""
        "team2_ct" ""
        "knife"    ""
        "fromfile" "addons/sourcemod/get5/team_navi.cfg"
        "id" "3752"
        "name" "Astralis"
        "tag" "Astralis"
        "flag" "DK"
        "logo" "astr"
        "matchtext" "Defending Champions"
            "76561197990682262" "Xyp9x"
            "76561198010511021" "gla1ve"
            "76561197979669175" "K0nfig"
            "76561198028458803" "BlameF"
            "76561198024248129" "farlig"
            "76561197987144812" "Trace"
        "hostname"                       "Get5 Match #3123"
        "mp_friendlyfire"                "0"
        "get5_stop_command_enabled"      "0"
        "sm_practicemode_can_be_started" "0"
fromfile example:
    "id" "1348"
    "name" "Natus Vincere"
    "tag" "NaVi"
    "flag" "UA"
    "logo" "navi"
    "matchtext" "Challengers"
        "76561198034202275" "s1mple"
        "76561198044045107" "electronic"
        "76561198246607476" "b1t"
        "76561198121220486" "Perfecto"
        "76561198040577200" "sdy"
        "76561198013523865" "B1ad3"