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Interfacing with Get5

  1. You can write another SourceMod plugin that uses the Get5 natives and forwards. This is exactly what the get5_apistats and get5_mysqlstats plugins do.

  2. You can read event logs from a file on disk (set by get5_event_log_format), through a RCON connection to the server console since they are output there, or through another SourceMod plugin.

  3. You can send all events to a web server over HTTP.

  4. You can read the stats Get5 collects from a file on disk (set by get5_stats_path_format).

  5. You can execute any command, such as get5_loadmatch or get5_loadmatch_url via another plugin or via RCON.

Building Get5 from source

If you are unfamiliar with how building SourceMod plugins works, you can use Docker to build Get5 from source. A precompiled image is available:

docker pull nickdnk/get5-build:latest

Before you build, please ensure you have installed the sm-json dependency, which is configured as a submodule. The Docker container does not do this because it can cause file permission issues with the repository.

git submodule update --init

You must mount two volumes for the build to succeed:

  1. /get5_src should be mounted to the repository root.
  2. /get5_build should be mounted where you want the output build files. Note that this directory and all its files may belong to root.
docker run --rm \
-v $PWD:/get5_src \
-v $PWD/build:/get5_build \
nickdnk/get5-build:latest \

Good to know

$PWD means "current directory", so in this case, this command would assume you are in the repository root, and the output will end up in a folder called /build within there. \ in the script just escapes the new-line, so the command is easier to read.

Custom builds are unsupported

Note that while building Get5 yourself may seem easy, we do not provide support for custom builds. If you want to report a bug, please use the latest official version.