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Get5 has been translated into a few languages, but some a are still incomplete or could use a grammatical hand. If you are proficient in a language other than English, you are welcome to open a pull request on GitHub with adjustments or even entirely new languages. Note that you should be good at the language; machine-translations or sloppy linguistics are worse than defaulting Get5 to English. If you cannot code and have found errors in translations, feel free to join the Discord and let us know.

How to translate?

Inside the translations folder you will find the base get5.phrases.txt file which is the English one and the fallback in case a translation string cannot be found in a client's language. This is the single source of truth and should be used when translating. Each language has a folder (for instance fr for french) within which there is another get5.phrases.txt file, but in French.

Inside each file, the same language specifier is used in front of each string, which must be identical throughout the entire language file.



    "#format"  "{1:s},{2:s},{3:d}" # (1)
    "en"       "{1} picked {2} as map {3}." # (2)
  1. The #format parameter indicates the order and types of parameters. These will not be defined in other languages, and you should only provide the language string itself (with its language prefix, i.e. en). The original file indicates what {1}, {2} and {3} are. In this case, the first and second arguments are strings and the third is a number.
  2. Use the English strings and the reference below to determine how to translate the string.

As the string implies, this example is used when a team picks a map, and the output is printed to chat and looks like this: Team A picked Dust II as map 2. The French translation file for this string looks like this:


    "fr"  "{1} a choisi {2} comme map {3}."

Types of Strings


Displayed in the regular game chat. This is the only type that supports color modifiers. You should use the same colors in the same lexical context as the English translation. All injected variables are colored automatically if required.


Displayed as a "hint" in the lower center of the screen, where you would also see the pause or restart alert.


Displayed as a modal in the middle of the CS:GO menu after you have been removed from the server. These must not end with a full stop as this is added automatically.
Displayed as an in-game menu where you select/browse using the numbers on your keyboard.

String Reference


Some translations are used as sentence components. These are exemplified in bold, in which case you are only expected to provide the bolded part of the sentence in the translation string. [Bracketed cursive] indicates an injected variable or component from another string.

String Example Type
WaitingForCastersReadyInfoMessage Waiting for [TeamName] to type [!ready] to begin. Chat
ReadyForMapSelectionInfoMessage Type [!ready] when your team is ready for map selection. Chat
ReadyToRestoreBackupInfoMessage Type [!ready] when you are ready to restore the match backup. Chat
ReadyToKnifeInfoMessage Type [!ready] when you are ready to knife. Chat
ReadyToStartInfoMessage Type [!ready] when you are ready to begin. Chat
YouAreReady You have been marked as ready. Chat
YouAreReadyAuto NOTE: You have been marked as ready due to game activity. HintText
TypeUnreadyIfNotReady Type [!unready] if you are not ready. Chat
YouAreNotReady You have been marked as NOT ready. Chat
WaitingForEnemySwapInfoMessage [TeamName] won the knife round. Waiting for them to type [!stay] or [!swap]. Chat
WaitingForGOTVBroadcastEnding The map will change once GOTV has finished broadcasting. Chat
WaitingForGOTVMapSelection The map will change once GOTV has broadcast the map selection. Chat
NoMatchSetupInfoMessage No match was set up KickedNote
YouAreNotAPlayerInfoMessage You are not a player in this match KickedNote
TeamIsFullInfoMessage Your team is full KickedNote
TeamForfeitInfoMessage [TeamName] failed to ready up in time and has forfeit. Chat
TeamMustBeReadyOrForfeit [TeamName] must be ready within [2:30] or they will forfeit the match. Chat
TeamsMustBeReadyOrTie Teams must be ready within [5:00] or the match will end in a tie. Chat
MaxPausesUsedInfoMessage [TeamName] has used all their tactical pauses ([3]). Chat
MaxPausesTimeUsedInfoMessage [TeamName] has used all their tactical pause time ([2:30]). Chat
MatchPausedByTeamMessage [PlayerName] called for a tactical pause. Chat
MatchTechPausedByTeamMessage [PlayerName] called for a technical pause. Chat
TechPausesNotEnabled Technical pauses are not enabled. Chat
TechnicalPauseMidSentence [TeamName] ([CT]) technical pause ([1]/[2]). HintText
TacticalPauseMidSentence [TeamName] ([CT]) tactical pause ([1]/[2]). HintText
TimeRemainingBeforeAnyoneCanUnpausePrefix [TeamName] ([CT]) technical pause ([1]/[2]). Time remaining before anyone can unpause: [2:30] HintText
StopCommandNotEnabled The stop command is not enabled. Chat
StopCommandOnlyAfterRoundStart A request to restart the round cannot be given before the round has started. Chat
StopCommandVotingReset The request by [TeamName] to stop the game was canceled as the round ended. Chat
StopCommandRequiresNoDamage A request to restart the round cannot be given once a player has damaged any opposing player. Chat
StopCommandTimeLimitExceeded A request to restart the round must be given within [0:30] after the round has started. Chat
PauseTimeRemainingPrefix [TeamName] ([CT]) tactical pause. Remaining pause time: [2:15] HintText
PausedForBackup The game was restored from a backup. Both teams must unpause to continue. HintText
AwaitingUnpause [TeamName] ([CT]) tactical pause. Awaiting unpause. HintText
PausedByAdministrator An administrator paused the match. HintText
PausesNotEnabled Pauses are not enabled. Chat
UserCannotUnpauseAdmin As an admin started this pause, it must also be unpaused by an admin. Chat
PauseRequestCanceled [TeamName] canceled their request for a pause. Chat
PausingTeamCannotUnpauseUntilFreezeTime You cannot unpause before your pause has started. Chat
PauseRunoutInfoMessage [TeamName] has run out of pause time. Unpausing the match. Chat
TechPauseRunoutInfoMessage Maximum technical pause length has been reached. Anyone may [!unpause] now. Chat
TechPauseNoTimeRemaining [TeamName] has no more tech pause time. Please use tactical pauses. Chat
TechPauseNoPausesRemaining [TeamName] has no more tech pauses. Please use tactical pauses. Chat
TechPauseAutomaticallyStarted A technical pause was automatically started for [TeamName]. Chat
MatchUnpauseInfoMessage [PlayerName] unpaused the match. Chat
WaitingForUnpauseInfoMessage [TeamName] wants to unpause, waiting for Team B to type [!unpause]. Chat
TeamFailToReadyMinPlayerCheck You must have at least [3] player(s) on the server to ready up. Chat
TeamIsReadyForMapSelection [TeamName] is ready for map selection. Chat
TeamIsReadyToRestoreBackup [TeamName] is ready to restore the match backup. Chat
TeamIsReadyToKnife [TeamName] is ready to knife for sides. Chat
TeamIsReadyToBegin [TeamName] is ready to begin the match. Chat
TeamIsNoLongerReady [TeamName] is no longer ready. Chat
ForceReadyInfoMessage You may type [!forceready] to force-ready your team. Chat
ForceReadyDisabled The [!forceready] command is disabled, but can enabled with [get5_allow_force_ready]. Chat
TeammateForceReadied Your team was force-readied by [PlayerName]. Chat
AdminForceReadyInfoMessage An admin has force-readied all teams. Chat
AdminForceEndInfoMessage An admin force-ended the match. Chat
AdminForceEndWithWinnerInfoMessage An admin force-ended the match, setting [Team 1] as the winner. Chat
AdminForcePauseInfoMessage An admin force-paused the match. Chat
AdminForceUnPauseInfoMessage An admin unpaused the match. Chat
TeamWantsToReloadCurrentRound [TeamName] wants to restore the game to the beginning of the current round. [TeamName] must confirm with [!stop]. Chat
TeamWinningSeriesInfoMessage [TeamName] is winning the series [2]-[1]. Chat
SeriesTiedInfoMessage The series is tied at [1]-[1]. Chat
NextSeriesMapInfoMessage The next map in the series is [Nuke] and it will start in [1:30]. Chat
TeamWonMatchInfoMessage [TeamName] has won the match. Chat
TeamTiedMatchInfoMessage [TeamName] and [TeamName] have tied the match. Chat
TeamWonSeriesInfoMessage [TeamName] has won the series [2]-[1]. Chat
MatchFinishedInfoMessage The match is over KickedNote
BackupLoadedInfoMessage Successfully loaded backup [backup_file_03.cfg]. Chat
MatchBeginInSecondsInfoMessage The match will begin in [3] seconds. Chat
MatchIsLiveInfoMessage Match is LIVE
Match is LIVE
Match is LIVE
Match is LIVE
Match is LIVE
KnifeIn5SecInfoMessage The knife round will begin in 5 seconds. Chat
KnifeInfoMessage Knife!
TeamDecidedToStayInfoMessage [TeamName] has decided to stay. Chat
TeamDecidedToSwapInfoMessage [TeamName] has decided to swap. Chat
TeamLostTimeToDecideInfoMessage [TeamName] will stay since they did not make a decision in time. Chat
ChangingMapInfoMessage Changing map to [Nuke]... Chat
MapDecidedInfoMessage The maps have been decided: Chat
MapIsInfoMessage Map [1]: [Nuke]. Chat
TeamPickedMap [TeamName] picked [Nuke] as map [2]. Chat
TeamSelectedSide [TeamName] elected to start as [CT] on [Nuke]. Chat
TeamBannedMap [TeamName] banned [Nuke]. Chat
CaptainLeftDuringMapSelection A team captain left during map selection. Map selection is paused. Chat
ReadyToResumeMapSelection Type [!ready] when you are ready to resume map selection. Chat
MatchConfigLoadedInfoMessage Loaded match config. Chat
MoveToCoachInfoMessage You were moved to the coach position as your team is full. Chat
ExitCoachSlotHelp Type [!coach] to exit the coach slot. Chat
EnterCoachSlotHelp Type [!coach] to become a coach for your team. Chat
CannotLeaveCoachingTeamIsFull You cannot leave the coach position as your team is full. Chat
CoachingNotEnabled Coaching is not enabled. You must set [sv_coaching_enabled] to 1. Chat
PlayerIsCoachingTeam [PlayerName] is coaching [TeamName]. Chat
CanOnlyCoachDuringWarmup You can only change to or from coach during warmup. Chat
AllCoachSlotsFilledForTeam All coach slots ([2]) are currently filled for your team. Chat
ReadyTag [READY] PlayerName: Hey, I'm ready... Chat
NotReadyTag [NOT READY] PlayerName: Hey, I'm not ready... Chat
MapSelectionTeamChatOnly You can only type in team chat during map selection. Chat
MapSelectionInvalidMap [de_dst2] is not a valid map. Chat
MapSelectionPickMapHelp Use [!pick] <map> to pick a map. Chat
MapSelectionBanMapHelp Use [!ban] <map> to ban a map. Chat
MapSelectionPickSideHelp Use [!ct] or [!t] to pick a side. Chat
MapSelectionAnnounceCaptains Captain for [TeamName]: [PlayerName] Chat
MapSelectionBan [TeamName] must now BAN a map. Chat
MapSelectionPick [TeamName] must now PICK a map to play as map [1]. Chat
MapSelectionTurnToPick [TeamName] must now [PICK] a map to play as map [1]. Chat
MapSelectionTurnToBan [TeamName] must now [BAN] a map. Chat
MapSelectionPickSide [TeamName] must now pick a side to play on [Nuke]. Chat
MapSelectionRemainingMaps Remaining maps: Dust II, Nuke, Inferno. Chat
MapSelectionCountdown Map selection commencing in [3]... Chat
NewVersionAvailable A newer version of Get5 is available. Please visit [] to update. Chat
PrereleaseVersionWarning You are running an unofficial version of Get5 ([0.9.0-c7af39a]) intended for development and testing only. This message can be disabled with [get5_print_update_notice]. Chat
SurrenderCommandNotEnabled The surrender command is not enabled. Chat
SurrenderMinimumRoundDeficit You must be behind by at least [3] round(s) in order to surrender. Chat
SurrenderInitiated A vote to surrender was initiated by [PlayerName]. Your team must reach [3] votes within [15] seconds. Chat
SurrenderVoteStatus [2] of [3] required surrender votes have been cast. Chat
SurrenderSuccessful [TeamName] surrendered. Chat
SurrenderVoteFailed Not enough players on your team voted to surrender. Chat
SurrenderOnCooldown You must wait [1:30] to initiate a new vote to surrender. Chat
WinByForfeitAvailable [TeamName] left the server. [TeamName] can now type [!ffw] to initiate a countdown to win as long as their team is full. Chat
WinByForfeitRequiresFullTeam You must have a full team in order to request or cancel a win by forfeit. Chat
WinByForfeitAlreadyRequested A request to win by forfeit is already pending. Chat
WinByForfeitCountdownStarted [TeamName] will win in [0:45] unless a player from [TeamName] rejoins the game. This request can be canceled with [!cancelffw]. Chat
WinByForfeitCountdownCanceled The request from [TeamName] to win by forfeit was canceled. Chat
TeamForfeited [TeamName] forfeited the series. Chat
AllPlayersLeftTieCountdown Both teams have left the server. At least one player from each team must rejoin within [0:45] or the series will end in a tie. Chat
TieCountdownCanceled The countdown to a tie was canceled as both teams now have players. Chat

Supported Languages

These are the languages Get5 supports. The links will take you to the source translation file for the language on GitHub. Most languages are incomplete, and if a translation string is missing, the English default will be used.

🇬🇧 English (default)

🇫🇷 French

🇩🇪 German

🇪🇸 Spanish

🇬🇷 Greek

🇨🇳 Chinese

🇩🇰 Danish

🇭🇺 Hungarian

🇵🇱 Polish

🇵🇹 Portuguese

🇷🇺 Russian

🇹🇷 Turkish