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Getting Started

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While you can just jump right in, we recommend you read the configuration and match schema sections of the documentation to understand what Get5 can do.

Match Configuration

The default operation mode for Get5 is the configuration and loading of a match configuration file. Once you've created your file, you can load it using the get5_loadmatch command or configure your server to automatically load the file as soon as a player joins by setting get5_autoload_config.

The Menu

If you wish to use Get5 more like you would use PugSetup, the !get5 menu can be used by server admins to configure and start a match from within the game. Out-of-the-box, you can only start a match with current players, meaning that all players (and coaches) must be present and on the right team before you can continue. In order to preselect teams, you must add available teams to your teams file. You can also configure a custom map pool using the maps file. Behind the scenes, the menu simply creates and loads a match configuration file based on the selected options.

The options below are available in the !get5 menu. Each option changes one or more match schema parameters in the resulting match configuration generated by the menu.

Game Mode

  • Sets wingman.

The game mode allows you to switch between Competitive (regular 5v5) and Wingman mode.

Series Length

  • Sets num_maps.

Sets the maximum number of maps to play in the series.

Team Size

  • Sets players_per_team.

Defines the number of players each team can have, excluding coaches. Make sure this matches the selected Game Mode.

Team Selection Mode

  • Sets scrim, team1 and team2.

Determines how teams are selected or configured.

  1. Current
    Uses teams as-is (requires full teams on both sides). If you want coaches on your team in this mode, they must use the coach ct or coach t console command before the match is started. This mode also allows you to set the team captains manually or let Get5 randomly select them.

  2. Fixed
    Uses the teams selected from the menu by the admin. This requires at least two teams in the teams file. The team captains will be the first players in players for each team.

  3. Scrim
    Uses the team selected from the menu as the "home team". This requires at least one team in the teams file. The home team captain will be the first player in players, and the away-team captain will be a random player.

Map Selection

  • Sets skip_veto and maplist.

Determines the strategy used to select the map(s) to play:

  1. Manual
    The map(s) must be selected from the menu by the admin.

  2. Current Map
    Play the current map (Series Length == 1 only).

  3. Pick/Ban
    The map selection system is used.

Map Pool

  • Sets maplist.

Determines which pool of maps to select from when using Manual or Pick/Ban map selection mode. You can define additional map pools by editing your maps file.

Side Type

  • Sets side_type.

Determines the strategy for side selection.

  1. Standard
    The team that doesn't pick a map gets to pick a side on it (Map Selection == Pick/Ban only).

  2. Always Knife
    A knife round is always used.

  3. Team 1 CT
    Team 1 always starts CT.

  4. Random
    Sides are randomly decided.

Friendly Fire

Determines if friendly fire is enabled or not.


Determines if overtime is enabled or not.

Play All Rounds

Determines if all rounds of the match will be played or not, even if a team has logically won.


We call "having a home team defined and anyone else on the opposing team" a scrim, and loading this configuration is referred to as scrim mode. This feature is designed for practices where you know the Steam IDs of your own team and want to enforce team-locking, but don't know the Steam IDs of your opponents.


There are four distinct ways you can start a scrim:

  1. Using the !get5 menu and setting Team Selection Mode to Scrim.
  2. Setting scrim: true in any match configuration.
  3. Passing --scrim and your home team to --team1 with get5_creatematch.
  4. Using the get5_scrim command and the fixed scrim_template.cfg file - see below.

Using the Scrim template (⚠ Legacy)

scrim_template.cfg is legacy and inflexible

While the following approach still works fine for backwards-compatibilty reasons, it is not the recommended one. If you are new to Get5, we recommend that you use the !get5 menu, the get5_creatematch command or load a normal match configuration in Scrim mode instead.

Adding your team's Steam IDs

You must edit the scrim template located at addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/scrim_template.cfg and add in your team's players to the team1 section by their Steam IDs (any format works). After doing this, any user who does not belong in team1 will implicitly be set to team2.

Coaches in scrims

You cannot set the coaches section in a scrim template. Instead, add everyone to the players section and use the !coach command to become a coach after joining the game. If the team is full (defined by players_per_team), additional players will automatically be moved to coach if there are available slots.

You can list however many players you want. Add all your coaches, analysts, ringers, etc. If someone on your list ends up being on the other team in a scrim, you can use the !ringer command to temporarily swap them (similarly, you can use it to put someone not in the list on your team temporarily).

Starting the Match

Use the get5_scrim command when the server is on the correct map. You can do this via RCON or as a regular console command if you are a server administrator. You could also type !scrim in chat.

Changing Scrim Settings

You can edit the scrim template located at addons/sourcemod/configs/get5/scrim_template.cfg to change parameters of your scrims. In this you can set any scrim-specific properties in the cvars section. The template defaults to mp_match_can_clinch 0 (designed for practice). You can apply any option from the match configuration schema, but scrim will always be enabled.

Practice Mode

If you have practicemode on your server as well, you may wish to add sm_practicemode_can_be_started 0 in the cvars section of your scrim match configuration. This will remove the ability to start practice mode until the match is completed or cancelled.